Beep beep!
Hey, everybody, I’m Pebbles, an amazing guy with an amazing story! And it’s a story that continues to unfold. Got a sec? Pull your chair next to my quad cart and I’ll get you caught up.
My life had a bit of a rough start. My mom never got vaccinated and was living on the streets. When she gave birth to me and my brother and sister she was really, really sick. So all three of us were born sick. None of our legs worked. Out of three puppies, no one’s legs worked. Unbelievable. Unfortunately, I don’t know what happened to my mom but some person tied the three of us to a dumpster. Thanks... I think. Three paralyzed puppies, just a few weeks old, open sores, incontinent, tied to a dumpster. What did you think was going to happen??? Anyway, a woman in the neighborhood found us and brought us to her house. Thank god. Food and water! But she had her own issues. Her house was full of other dogs and puppies. Tons of them! Over 80! It was super loud and the sanitary conditions were definitely sub-optimal. When some other nice ladies came and rescued us I heard them talking about “a bad hoarding situation,” whatever that means. I was just a puppy! (I’m still just a puppy.)
Here’s where my story takes a turn for the better. This lady, who rescues and loves(!) dogs like me and my siblings, took me to someone called a “neurologist.” She told this lady to start me on a bunch of medicine, as I was pretty sick. I also got poked with some needles. That was no fun. Kinda hurt. But I’m a puppy. I forget pretty quickly. Another car ride and then…JACKPOT! My new home. Some place called “Two Hands Four Paws” (whatever that means). All of a sudden I was the center of attention. The only puppy there. Nice! As I was not looking or smelling my best after the hoarder, OK, I stunk, they gave me baths every day to get all the infection and gunk off of me. I was so hungry and dirty and skinny. But, wow, did that change. I got all cleaned up and fed and then they put these silly sweaters on me to cover my wounds and keep me warm. People love to take pictures of dogs in silly sweater. I don’t get it but, whatever. The sweaters were definitely warm and much appreciated. Healing was not an overnight thing. It took a few weeks for me to start feeling better. It was a big, big change for me. I was used to so much noise and bad smells in the hoarder’s house. This new place was clean and quiet and warm and I got lots of food. And all these ladies carried me around all the time telling me how cute I was. It was great!!! But I was still paralyzed.
Then one day this tall guy put me in a magic machine. One person called it a wheelchair. The tall guy called it a quad cart. It was a weird feeling, whatever it was. I didn’t really know what to do but they all helped me and cheered me on with food. They tied these straps to my legs and called me to come to them and walk! I didn’t know how to walk!!! I had never walked before. What the heck! But the coolest thing ever happened. Within about ten minutes with a lot of help from the ladies, I started to use my legs. Amaze balls!!!! My legs worked! Maybe not in the right order or the right direction but they worked! A couple of them started to cry. I don’t know what they were sad about. I was really excited! I had never stood up before. And now I was moving on my own.
Every day they make me exercise. They’re really excited about it. Me, not so much. Some days I just don’t feel like it. And the cool thing is, since I’m a puppy, and I’m cute, I get away with it. I know that if I do nothing they will do it for me! I can pretend walk in my wheelchair and then I decide I don’t want to walk anymore. So I don’t! And they push me, thinking that I just need some assistance. I don’t. I’ll walk when I want to! Same with walking in the water treadmill. Lots of times I’m excited to walk but sometimes I just want to float! So I do! It's great! The water is warm, the ladies all giggle at me floating and I hear that I look adorable. I was recently fitted for a two-wheel cart to strengthen my front legs. So now I’ve got two sets of wheels. It's great here!
One of the nice ladies takes me home on the weekends sometimes. I love it. She has other dogs who play with me. I really like playing with other dogs and I really like being in a nice, clean house! I’m an easy puppy to get along with. I would really like to have a home of my own. I have been called a snuggler.
I have some amazing roommates at Two Hands Four Paws. I guess they take in and rehabilitate dogs that wouldn’t have a chance of ever finding a home. There’s Frank, a Frenchie who was abandoned when a back surgery wasn’t successful. Don’t get me started on abandonment. Frank loves some people, others not so much. If you’re in his circle he’s all lovey and googley-eyed. If not he yells,"Get off my lawn!" We get along OK. There’s Savannah, a hit-by-a-car while fleeing the recent fires. She needed surgery and she’s going through rehabilitation. She's definitely a people dog. She has a limited vocabulary, "holdmeholdmeholdmeholdme!" So they do. Peaches is another dog who was hit-by-car during the fires. She had surgery, too. Then there are the big boys, two Dobermans named Noah and Bino. They are so cool. In my next life I'm coming back as a Dobie.
I’m currently in the home searching business. Word is I might never gain the full use of my legs. I’m going to spend my life as a snuggler. That's OK. I’m quiet, attentive, super soft, and adorbs. But you never know. Rehabilitation has done amazing things for animals here. I’m open. Stay tuned.